我们明白了, 当谈到污染地球的行业时,航空与汽车工业和发电并列. 不幸的是, 不像那些行业, 使航空完全绿色的技术还没有出现. 我们相信 that aviation is essential to global trade 和 that there would be disastrous consequences were the capacity of aviation to deliver people 和 goods was reduced whilst the global population continues to increase.
As a result we have been investigating ways to fund reductions in carbon emissions in industries where the technology is available but the funds are not, whilst simultaneously engaging with the aviation community on initiatives designed to reduce our carbon footprint through investment in new technology 和 sustainable aviation fuel. 我们相信, 现在, 航空业可以成为一股积极的力量,帮助解决其他行业98%的碳排放问题, 通过推动对碳抵消计划的投资,减少人类对气候的影响.
当你预订下一个航班时, 如果你想抵消你的碳排放, 让你的ACS客户经理知道, 它们会加0.租船价格的5%. 您将在预订申请表上签字确认.
你会看到0.5%的费用作为单独的行项目在您的发票上. 这将被列为碳抵消贡献.
您的补偿投资不会立即用于购买碳信用额. 相反,它会进入一个抵消基金.
每季度一次, 美国航空公司通过一个协调过程来估算所有被抵消的航班的碳排放量, 将此与归因于抵销的客户资金相匹配.
这些钱被用来购买碳信用额, 通过CTX交易所, 哪些人会立即退休. 我们的目标是抵消超过已经产生的排放量.
随着非洲人口的增长, 森林被砍伐以供人类居住,木材被砍伐的速度快于重新种植的速度. Hestian在南非改进的炉灶和燃料效率项目直接减少了木材的使用和室内烹饪烟雾, 这反过来又减缓了森林砍伐和降低了家庭空气污染.
UPC提供产生清洁能源的风力涡轮机, 不会向环境中释放有害排放物. 其中一个例子是75mw Sidrap风电场项目, 位于Sidrap地区, 在南苏拉威西, 印尼. The project is 印尼’s first utility scale wind farm 和 began providing power to the Southern Sulawesi PLN grid in March 2018. 该项目使用了30台Gamesa 2.5兆瓦涡轮机.
Sidrap项目位于一个风力很强的地方,当地社区也很支持. Numerous jobs in both project development 和 construction have been created with the majority being filled by the local citizens from the region.
我们决定把它变成一个“选择加入”而不是“选择退出”的计划, 据我们所知,我们的客户可能已经通过他们自己的抵消计划进行了抵消. 因此,让它成为一个“可选择加入”的选项会更公平、更透明。.
如果你乘坐飞机旅行,你会向大气中排放二氧化碳. But you can now take positive action 和 compensate for your emissions by investing in projects designed to reduce the overall amount of CO2 being emitted in the future.
抵消可以通过购买和取消碳信用来实现. 碳信用额是国际社会努力减缓温室气体增长的结果. 气候项目出售碳信用额以资助其发展. 每个信用额度相当于排放一吨二氧化碳.
如果你给我们订机票的话, 并希望抵消你的旅行所产生的碳排放, 我们会向您收费的. 这一收费是根据8个以上的分析得出的,并关注当前碳信用额度的市场价格. 稍后我们将讨论我们的计算方法. 我们向您收取的补偿费用将用于购买气候项目中的碳信用额. 要想让一个气候项目出售碳信用额,它必须满足以下标准:
项目必须能够证明它们的减排是额外的, 如果没有碳融资的帮助,这一切都不会发生.
Emission reductions must be verified by an approved independent third party verifier with expertise in both the country 和 sector in which the project is taking place to provide an adequate level of assurance.
通过使用登记处,可以防止重复计算碳信用额, 跟踪所有权和最终取消法规遵从性.
一旦达到这些标准,该项目将获得全球信用标准之一的认证. 我们只投资经过联合国认证的项目 www.清洁发展机制.联合国气候变化框架公约》.int 和金本位制 www.www.goldst和ard.org/这是全球两大主要信用标准.
是的. Investing in projects certified by the United Nations 和金本位制 ensures that full levels of due diligence 和 compliance are undertaken on the projects where the credits are being issued from. This means that the investment generated by every carbon offset that is purchased by ACS is certified to be genuine 和 ultimately feeding directly into the environmental project.
退休是碳信用额度生命周期的最后阶段, 就像他们退休后一样, 它们不能再被使用了, 防止他们被重复计算(1).e. 使用两次).
通过选择碳抵消你的飞行, 我们把你所有的钱都投入到气候项目发放的碳信用额中. 我们不收取佣金,也不收取保证金. 世界上有许多不同类型的气候项目, 包括可再生能源, 废物管理, 林业和农业, 生物燃料, 能源和燃料技术, 生物多样性保护, 可持续发展和生态系统保护. 当你选择抵消, you are providing the essential financial support that keeps these projects operational 和 are doing something positive for the environment by helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
碳足迹对私人航空来说是一个相当新的概念, so we worked in partnership with 碳交易交易所(CTX) to develop a unique methodology for estimating the carbon footprint of every booking we make. In order to calculate the carbon footprint of a booking we need to know (1) the point-to-point distance of the flight 和 (2) the estimated fuel burn for your aircraft category. As headwinds 和 tailwinds can hugely impact the fuel burn of any particular trip it is impossible for anyone to accurately forecast the emissions amount in advance.
我们使用openflights提供的机场坐标计算您预订的点对点距离.org. 这是容易的部分. 我们预定了各种不同的飞机,每种飞机都有不同的燃料需求. 我们使用的数据集来自国际民用航空组织(ICAO), 其中包括超过150种飞机的燃油消耗率分布图, 由其国际航空运输协会飞机指定机构定义. 民航组织的数据基于真实的发动机测试,是迄今为止存在的最准确的私人航空数据来源. 每架飞机将以不同的速度燃烧燃料,这取决于它在起飞时的飞行阶段, 着陆, 最大巡航高度). The ICAO data is divided into 500nm sectors to provide the most granular 和 accurate estimation of fuel burn rate at each stage of the journey. We match the aircraft that you have booked with its fuel burn profile 和 calculate the total fuel burned according to the length of your flight. 一旦我们有了每次飞行的总燃料消耗量,我们就可以很容易地计算出与燃料消耗量相关的温室气体排放量. 我们使用航空燃料的排放系数, 是由英国环境部出版的, 食品和农村事务部(DEFRA).
我们的合作伙伴, 碳交易交易所(CTX), is a venue for 1000s of environmental projects to list their credits for sale 和 each project has the potential to issue thous和s, 或数百万, 每年的碳信用额达到了80吨.
We work with CTX to analyse the carbon credit market 和 to select an average price per carbon credit that will allow it to support a portfolio of high-quality projects (the range in quality is huge) that are in different locations around the world 和 represent investments in different types of environmental projects, 从可再生能源到社区福利计划.
我们与碳交易交易所(碳抵消的行业领导者)一起估计 .5%的预订价值将允许我们抵消98%的航班分析, ACS承诺,如果筹集到的资金不够,将为该基金补充资金.
At the end of each quarter we calculate the carbon emissions of all offset flights to ensure that sufficient carbon credits can be purchased based on current market prices. 万一出现短缺,我们(ACS)弥补差额. 哪里有盈余, this is also invested into projects so that we can make sure we are offsetting more CO2 than is generated by participating flights.
Combustion of fossil fuels 和 deforestation have caused the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide to increase by about 43% since the beginning of the age of industrialization. 目前, about half of the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels remains in the atmosphere 和 is not absorbed by vegetation 和 the oceans.
二氧化碳浓度的增加不仅会导致全球表面温度的升高, 但全球气温升高也会导致二氧化碳浓度升高, 创造一个积极的反馈循环. 金星经历了失控的温室效应, 导致大气中96%的成分是二氧化碳.
二氧化碳可以通过多种方式被吸收,包括水体(如海洋)。, by frozen water (such as polar ice caps 和 glaciers) 和 by vegetation (such as rainforests) collectively known as “carbon sinks”. The most effective way of mitigating the greenhouse effect is by either preventing the generation of CO2 or by absorbing the CO2 back into these “carbon sinks”.
The carbon offsetting program that ACS offers will contribute to a number of projects that will reduce the amount of CO2 generated in the first place (through green energy initiatives) or by enhancing “carbon sinks” such as preventing deforestation or increasing reforestation.